Privacy Policy: At Ibyatech, we prioritize the privacy and security of our users. This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle data within our apps available on the Google Play Store. 1. **Data Collection:** - We do not collect any personal data or device data for storage or any other purpose. - Our apps are designed solely to provide information to users, and we do not incorporate any special features that require permissions to collect data. 2. **Purpose of Our Apps:** - Our apps serve the purpose of displaying information to users. We do not engage in any activities or functionalities that necessitate the collection of additional data beyond what is essential for the app's basic functionality. 3. **Permissions:** - Our apps do not require any special permissions to collect data. We do not request access to sensitive information such as location, contacts, or camera. 4. **Collection of Device ID:** - We may collect device IDs solely for app functionality purposes. This information is used for basic functions such as identifying unique installations or managing user sessions within the app. We do not utilize device IDs for any other purposes, such as tracking or profiling users. 5. **Third-party Services:** - We do not integrate any third-party services within our apps that may collect personal or device data. 6. **Data Security:** - We employ industry-standard security measures to safeguard any data collected within our apps. 7. **Changes to Privacy Policy:** - Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be communicated through updates on the app's listing on the Google Play Store. 8. **Contact Us:** - If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy or data handling practices, please contact us at [Contact Email/Address]. By downloading and using our apps, you acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. It is important to review this policy periodically for any updates or changes. Thank You.